Sunday 30 August 2009

So, a little update on what's going....

I am currently in the middle of writing a post but my time is being occupied by other matters that need sorting urgently. All will be explained in the next post InshAllah.

Thank you to my 'followers' for choosing to follow my pondering.

Saturday 27 June 2009

So I have finally started a blog, I've been meaning to do this for a long time. Ever since I started reading other people's blogs I was hooked and the comment box became too small on other people's blogs to suffice as an outlet for my opinions. So here I have created the small outlet I really need to put my views, issues, opinions etc. in an organised and creative way :)

I'm a Muslim girl, born and bred in England, currently going to college and then InshAllah University. I don't really know what else to write about myself, so hopefully by reading my future posts you'll learn more about me.

I'm planning to write about anything that I find interesting/strange or I have an opinion about. This could include my college life, life in general and my religion.
A blog that really inspired me to write my own blog is Nzingha's Soapbox. She is amazing and writes about issues relevant to her in Saudi Arabia. Also, there were quite a few other blogs that inspired me but this one's at the top. Feel free to check it at:

Feel free to leave a comment about what you about any my posts, but there are a few rules I insist you follow if you are going to leave a comment.
1) No bad language - Frequent use of profanity is a sign of inferior intelligence.
2) If you have an opinion, share it, but do not disrespect other people's opinions - they are entitled to theirs as you are to yours.
3) If you know me in person please refrain from mentioning my real name or anything that I wouldn't want the whole world to know.

Thank you
More posts coming soon! LOL

Friday 26 June 2009

An introduction is needed...

...maybe later.....once I get used to the idea of blogging...may take a while....