Monday, 26 April 2010

An Extract For A Possible Book

I've been patching together parts for a possible book that I'm writing. Below is a short extract I plan to bring into its story somewhere. At the moment I'm not sure how its going to be incorporated but it'll have a little more history and explanation accompanying it in the actual book. That's partly why it seems confusing and of no origin.

Also, feel free to tell me what you think of it. What do you like about it, what thoughts it provokes etc.

Here it is-->

I am mindlessly heading down a path a sane me would know not to head towards, but nothing is right anymore.My world has been enraged with a fever and my feet, heavy with exhaustion of wondering so aimlessly for so long, skip towards you when they see you. It is not you but just another hallucination. It does not recognise me and I look into it's eyes searching for your soul in the cold depths. I see a spark of your laughter of who you used to be, but then it dies and I am once again plunged into darkness.

Please comment x


AlabasterMuslim said...

Oh come on, you are going to leave me hanging like that! I thought I'd be able to understand the mysteriousness of it all by the time I was done reading it.
Very nice :D
But now you must continue! pleasee.

Amber said...

Sorry for the abrupt end but that's all I've come up still needs a head and a tail :)